Be gone, sickness bug

Twin 1

I’m home from school. I just want to play by myself. This isn’t like me…..I don’t usually want to play by myself. Why am I so quiet?

I feel sick. That’s what’s wrong. I feel sick.

Mummy! I don’t feel very well. My tummy feels sick.

I need a cuddle. And look how sad my face is. No, I don’t want anything for tea……or maybe just a plain breadstick.

Oh no. Oh no. I’m going to be sick.


He’s going to be sick.

Twin 1

Poor me. I need another cuddle.

Twin 2

What’s that? He’s sick? And he’s just having a breadstick for tea?

What is for tea, mummy? Pasta and cheese sauce? But I’m POORLY, mummy! I AM POORLY! I just want a BREADSTICK, mummy! Only a BREADSTICK! I’m poorly and also I don’t LIKE the pasta!


Oh no, please not sick.

Oh yes, sick.

But I have to be at work tomorrow. And I can’t catch this either. I really can’t. I can’t be ill.

And dinner’s ready. Is anyone going to want dinner?

No no you’re not sick, sweetheart. That’s your brother. You were poorly yesterday, remember? You’re feeling better today. No, you’re not just having a breadstick for your tea. You can have a breadstick with your tea. Now sit down please. Is anyone else coming?

Eldest boy

“Yes yes, I’m here! What is it? Ooh yes, yum. Pasta and cheese sauce, I love that…… What??? Sick??? Oh no. Oh no. I can’t stay at the table. I can’t be near him. I might catch it. What if I CATCH IT?! The last time I was sick, daddy caught it from me and then I caught it back from him and then daddy caught it back from me. I’m not going near him. I need to stay at least 15cm away from him at all times. At least 15cm


He’s going to miss his superhero day at school tomorrow. How am I going to tell him this? He’s going to miss his superhero day, and I also really really need to go to work.

I’m so sorry, sweetheart, but you won’t be able to go to school tomorrow for Superhero Day. I know that’s going to be really disappointing.

Twin 1 

I’m so sad, all I can do is wobble my bottom lip and bury my head into mummy.


This is rather lovely when he just wants to bury his head into me and have cuddles. It’s just a shame he’s sick.

Twin 2

Oh yes…..Superhero Day. Superhero Day tomorrow. I definitely don’t want to miss Superhero Day. So maybe I’m not poorly after all. But then I would quite like just breadsticks for my tea. This is impossible.

And look, now he’s sitting on mummy’s lap. This isn’t fair at all. I need mummy’s lap. I need to sit there right now. I’m just going to start clambering on top of him because I’m not well either. Although I will definitely be going to Superhero Day.


There is a sick boy sitting on my lap. It’s a lovely cuddle but am I going to catch this? Are we all going to catch this? In fact, am I already feeling ill? I think I might be. Or is it just because I’m thinking about sick children? Is he going to be up in the night? Please say he’s not going to be up in the night. I know that’s selfish but can I do that, really? Being up in the night clearing up sick……I don’t know if I can. And I’ve got this work event on tomorrow too. It’s not his fault I know. It’s nobody’s fault. Shall I have a glass of wine? Will that take my mind off feeling sick? And what about Friday? I’m actually going out on Friday to one of my favourite ever places. I’ve got tickets. I’ve been looking forward to it for months. Please please please please, I CAN’T CATCH IT. Really just can’t…..or not in the next few days anyway. And preferably not next week either as that’s half term. Can willpower alone stop me from catching it?

Twin 1

It was my brother who made me feel sick, mummy. He did it at school.

Twin 2

Pleeeeeeeeeeeeease let me have just a breadstick for tea.


Well if no-one else is going to eat it I might as well have that pasta. Then I’m getting ready for football.


Oh let’s just pour the wine and hope for the best.

Get well soon, little one x


And let’s hope these little ones don’t catch it either.